
2-minute Water-washable, No Extra Alcohol

Printed parts can be thoroughly cleaned by simply rinsing in water for 2 minutes*, reducing environmental mess and irritation while saving time and costs on washing and alcohol!

*Do not discharge wastewater directly into the sewer to avoid groundwater contamination. Please comply with local laws and regulations.

Capable of Drilling and Tapping

Compared to other water-washable resins, PAWW20 retains better toughness for up to a month after printing, enabling drilling and tapping without breakage during post-processing or use.

Semi-Transparent Pink for Internal Structure Inspection

Low Viscosity, Easy to Print

Get High-Quality Results in Just a Few Clicks

Combined with the Blueprint Studio software, the HeyGears UltraCraft Reflex Series 3D printing system offers a parameters-free 3D printing and post-processing experience. This system minimizes your effort while ensuring high-quality prints!
Compatible 3D Printers: the UltraCraft Reflex, Reflex RS.

A Complete Production System

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